The “I” Word

/ May 26, 2017

The “I” word. The word “impeachment” has been thrown around several times in the history of American politics. The first sitting president to be formally impeached was Andrew Johnson, in 1868, for abuse of power. Over a century later, Bill Clinton was the second US president impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. Both were acquitted in the Senate, but their names will be forever associated with that long, humiliating “I” word.

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Bubbles, Bombs, and Buffett

/ May 19, 2017

Better to be lucky… One of this year’s “Unexpected Outcomes” from our January 20th EVA was that the long-comatose French stock market would be one of the world’s better performers in 2017. My rationale was that, at the time, Francois Fillon, a credible and reform-minded candidate, was leading the polls for president of France. Moreover, considering his flawed and/or relatively obscure opponents, his election looked highly probable.

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Dimon Vision

/ May 5, 2017

Dimon Vision. After spending almost four decades in the financial industry, I have many fond memories (along with some of the not-so-fond variety). Among my best are the times when I was privileged to work with Jamie Dimon in the 1990s. These were my—and Jamie’s—Smith Barney years and they were exhilarating.

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Around the World in Eighteen Minutes

/ April 28, 2017

Around the world in eighty days eighteen minutes. For all the non-bibliophiles reading this week’s EVA, Around the World in Eighty Days is a classic novel written by French author Jules Verne. While the book is fictional, it has inspired several real-life adventurers to follow in protagonist Phileas Fogg’s footsteps and circumnavigate the world in 80 (or less) days.

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