The DNA of a Successful Client

/ October 1, 2021

Every Monday at 9 AM, we gather to discuss feedback we’re hearing both internally and externally. Often it is full of cross currents. Some people are nervous, while others feel like they should be taking more risks.

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The Anti-Bubble Years (Part II)

/ September 10, 2021

Returning back to the question that opened last week’s EVA, why, for nearly 40 years, was I almost always bullish to very bullish on bonds?  The cut-to-the-chase reason was that interest rates were largely positive even after inflation for most of that timeframe. 

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The Anti-Bubble Years (Part I)

/ September 3, 2021

Bubbles now get tremendous amounts of press. Their counterparts, however, don’t. In my 42 years of financial market experience, anti-bubbles are where immense amount of wealth are made and bubbles are where they are lost.

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A New Playbook for VC?

/ August 6, 2021

The modern venture capital (VC) industry emerged when two venture capital firms were founded in the wake of World War II: American Research and Development Corporation (ARDC) and J.H. Whitney & Company.

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