Seizing the Moment for Artificial Intelligence

/ September 28, 2018

The main buzzwords in today’s tech space are IoT (Internet of Things), Big Data, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, and AI (Artificial Intelligence). While some of these terms might be unfamiliar to our readers, the various applications of these business opportunities in today’s connected world are nearly limitless. This has led to an influx of investment and interest in all of the aforementioned spaces – by individuals, Venture Capitalists (VCs), corporations, and governments alike.

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Bubble 3.0: The Biggest Bubble Inside the Biggest Bubble Ever

/ September 21, 2018

Are US stocks more overvalued than at any other time except 1929 or 1999? Or are they even more expensive? Or are they reasonably priced, as so many media commentators and Wall Street strategists contend? The answer sort of reminds me of the old story of various people applying to be hired as an accountant at a certain firm.

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The Oil Market’s Massive Repricing

/ September 14, 2018

Life is full of ironies and there may be no more vivid example of that today than in the oil patch. Wouldn’t it be the height of irony if the radical shift by the automotive industry toward electric vehicles (EVs), and away from internal combustion engines (ICEs), created the next oil price surge into triple digits? Sound crazy? Please allow me to explain…with a lot of help from a kindred spirit, the keen minds at the investment research firm Macro Ops.

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Clogging China’s Cash Pipeline to Silicon Valley

/ August 31, 2018

Most coverage of the mounting US-China strategic tensions has focused on tariff threats. Equally significant are moves by the US to choke off Chinese investments in the US technology sector. These moves are part of a strategy to ensure that China can’t catch up to the US in critical technology fields by buying, or buying into, cutting-edge American firms.

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