What, Me Worry?

/ October 29, 2021

As is the case with Evergreen, our partner firm Gavekal encourages an environment of “opinion exchanges”.  In the latter case, much of that stems from the inherent philosophical divergences regarding economics and politics between its three co-founders. 

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Japan Looks Poised to Continue Growth Trend Into 2022

/ October 22, 2021

This week’s guest EVA comes from one of our favorite contributing authors, Gerard Minack, and his highly regarded publication: Down Under Daily. Whenever someone we hold in high esteem comments on an area we like too, we are eager to share it with our readers (yes, that could be called confirmation bias!).

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A Temporary Respite

/ October 15, 2021

In this week’s newsletter, Gavekal’s Will Denyer talks about how the US Treasury continues to grapple with figuring out how much money it should pump into the American economy. With the government already running a staggering deficit, how they decide to proceed appears to be a largely looming question for the precedent of American fiscal policy going forward.

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