The Disaster of Negative Interest Policy

/ August 30, 2019

For over 30 years, I have read every Barron’s Roundtable edition interviewing many of the world’s foremost money managers. Past and current members have included Peter Lynch, Mario Gabelli (still a participant), Bill Gross and, though not nearly as well known, one of the best stock pickers extant, Meryl Witmer. Accordingly, it was with great pleasure that I discovered a former member of the esteemed cohort is also an EVA reader.

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The Big Data Dilemma

/ August 23, 2019

The idea of a “connected world” has taken many forms over several millennia. In the 4th century BC, trade between regions of Asia and parts of Europe and Africa expanded considerably, connecting foods, cultures, fabrics, metals and fragrances across three formerly detached continents. When Spain and Portugal became interested in finding a direct sea route to Asia in the 15th century, the known world expanded, and the Eastern and Western hemispheres were suddenly linked.

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The Surge in Anti-Fragile Assets

/ August 16, 2019

Well, that was an exciting week in the markets! All three major US indexes started down on Monday following renewed global trade concerns and overnight protests in Hong Kong. The slide worsened mid-afternoon as treasury yields continued their tumble. However, Tuesday was a much different story after the U.S. delayed several Chinese tariffs through December. The announcement sent indexes ripping higher across the board.

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