The U.S.-China Showdown

/ July 11, 2019

A couple of weeks ago you read Gavekal Research’s piece, Investing for a New Cold War. Today on the Evergreen Exchange, listen to Evergreen CEO Tyler Hay interview Gavekal founder Louis Gave on this topic and more, complete with thought-provoking debate and lively banter.

The conversation between Tyler and Louis provides clarity on an issue that has dominated the news during Trump’s presidency: will China surpass the U.S. as the world’s greatest economic superpower?

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Investing For A New Cold War

/ July 5, 2019

As is often the case in the current news environment, the endless headlines surrounding the relations between the United States and China overshadow the substance of underlying policy and provide little added value to the public. While this may make for good political theatre, it leaves many struggling to grasp what has been developing not just over the past year, but quietly for the past decade. In this week’s EVA, Evergreen Gavekal partner Louis Gave offers thought-provoking insights on the complex “trade war” being staged by the two countries. Louis—and the venerable Charles Gave, with his 50 years of investment experience—argue there are far bigger implications for the ongoing battle than just the balance of imports and exports. The following examines the events that have led us to this point, as well as the options that may be exhausted going forward.

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/ June 28, 2019

In just six months, the Fed went from hiking interest rates to, as of last week, opening the doors for future interest rate cuts. This makes the hike last December look a bit silly given the stock market was in freefall, economic data was deteriorating, and trade tensions were escalating. To make matters worse, President Trump tweeted it is “incredible” that the Fed “is even considering another interest rate hike” before the Fed raised last December. Since then, the Twitter handle @realDonaldTrump has been exceedingly critical with regards to Fed policy and tightening too aggressively. It’s worth noting that almost every other president in history has steered clear of publicly criticizing the Fed, which makes this situation even more precarious and unprecedented.

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