The End of an Era

/ February 15, 2019

Even the most casual financial observer is aware that the U.S. stock market has been roaring for a very long time. The market made history in August 2018 when, at 3,500 days, it became the longest running bull market on record, up roughly 300 percent from the depths of the financial crisis.

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Retirement Planning Tips for Savvy Women

/ February 7, 2019

Women face severe headwinds when planning for retirement. They often earn less money (approximately 80 cents for every dollar that men make) and have shorter working careers due to raising children and/or caring for aging parents. Less money earned translates into less money saved and lower Social Security benefits. On top of that, women also tend to live longer than men. Combined, these factors put women at greater risk to outlive their retirement savings.

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This Century’s Suez Crisis

/ January 25, 2019

For those rare workers who actually took advantage of the national holiday at the beginning of the week, worries of a global economic slowdown loomed in the periphery. On Monday, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a report stating that China’s official growth rate for 2018 was 6.6%, or the slowest it has been since 1990.

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